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Challenges of Business Multiplayer: Creating the perfect team

Published on
January 26, 2024

Staffing Solutions sounds like the way Liam Neeson's character in Taken would resolve conflicts within an HR team; however, nothing could be further from the truth.

The new era of remote teams has made the world smaller, or has it? The reality is that the further the team, the harder is to coordinate them. Choosing the right team for your particular necessities is what actually “Staffing Solutions” means. And if you think about it, it’s closer to a multiplayer online game. 

Imagine you're in the midst of an intense League of Legends match. You're part of a team composed of players from different countries and cultures, all united by the desire to achieve victory. However, as you progress in the game, you start experiencing a delay in the response to your actions on the screen – the dreaded LAG. Just like in the game, in the business world, hiring offshore talent and forming remote teams face similar challenges. In this article, we'll explore how these difficulties, such as cultural differences, time zones, and the "yes culture," can impact team performance.

Let's imagine that in your team, you have teammates from different parts of the world. One of them, Alex, is offshore, while another, Carlos, is nearshore. Both are talented players, but as they progress in the match, they notice that communication and synchronization become increasingly challenging.

Alex and Carlos come from different work cultures and have different approaches to the game. Alex has a "yes culture" mentality, where it's common to accept all requests and tasks without questioning, even if unsure of being able to fulfill them. On the other hand, Carlos is accustomed to more direct and precise communication. These cultural differences begin to affect team coordination and efficient decision-making.

While Alex and Carlos are immersed in real-time gameplay, the difference in time zones becomes a barrier. When one of them is ready to execute a strategy, the other might be tired or offline due to the difference in their schedules. This leads to communication delays and frustrating decision-making processes that impact team performance.

The Lag in the Business World:

Similar to LAG in online gaming, remote teams can also face difficulties due to these differences. Cultural and communication barriers can lead to misunderstandings, lack of alignment, and conflicts within the team, besides the possible financial troubles this can carry. Disparate time zones make real-time collaboration challenging, resulting in delayed decision-making and decreased overall productivity.

To overcome these challenges, more and more companies are opting to hire talent closer to their home country, such as in Latin America, for companies based in the United States and Canada. 

Yeah, we know… this starting to sound like a commercial, but hear us out: 

By hiring nearshore talent, cultural differences can be minimized and profits can be increased. Teams can share similar values and expectations, making communication, collaboration, and relationship-building easier. This helps avoid misunderstandings and improves teamwork efficiency.

Being in something as tiny as the same or similar time zones allows teams to collaborate in real time, enhancing coordination and expediting decision-making. This translates to greater productivity and more efficient project progression.

Encouraging direct and open communication. Team members can freely express their opinions, ask questions, and address concerns without fearing cultural misunderstandings. This promotes a healthy work environment and more effective collaboration.

Just like in online multiplayer games, remote teams in the business world face challenges similar to LAG. Cultural differences, time zones, and communication barriers can hinder team performance and efficiency. However, hiring talent closer to home brings a range of benefits in overcoming these challenges. By minimizing cultural differences and communication barriers, teams can achieve greater synchronization and more effective collaboration, resulting in business success and enriching professional development for all involved.

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